vrijdag 27 augustus 2010

August 27, 2010, Day 16

Today's email talks about emotional release. About the fact that meditating on a daily basis can bring up some forgotten sadness or unresolved issues. Well, I don't know that my pissed off state-of-mind yesterday is a result of my daily meditations. And if it is related to an unresolved issue, so be it. Anyhow, I feel better today. Especially when I read that the meditation of Day 16 will explore the power of the archetypes. I have read about that in one of Deepak Chopra's books and I am excited to try it.

After a half hour of yoga stretches, I sit comfortably against the couch. Davidji introduces the archetypes meditation. As I understand it, an archetype is a (mythical) role model, that will help me clarify the physical, emotional, and spiritual qualities that I value and want to cultivate in my life. My first assignment is to think about a person that I admire for what he or she does or has accomplished. Who do I admire? And for what? Shiva Rea comes to mind, Barack Obama, Elizabeth Gilbert, Deepak Chopra. They all have inspired millions of people with their yoga practice, determination to change the world for the better, books, insights and spiritual wisdom. I want to inspire too. Preferably the whole world.

What emotional state-of-mind would I like to have? Who portrays such emotions? I know pretty sure now, that I want to feel peace inside. I want to be peaceful. The first image I see in my mind's eye is that of the Buddha. He is the quintessential peacefulness. At least as far as I'm concerned. So I guess he is one of my archetypes too. What is my spiritual archetype? Is there a person that has or had such a connection with Spirit that makes me want to have that too? I am not a religious person, so to my surprise I think of Jesus Christ. Not necessarily the person who is described in the Bible, but the Christ energy he represents. A direct link to God, without reservation or second thoughts. And some direct intervention and guidance from "above" is always handy. I want that too. (I realize, that as a bonus I just answered the question of yesterday "What do I want?" Ha, I guess this challenge is really working!). Davidji continues to name other kinds of archetypes. He looses me very quickly. I just sit and tune into the music. The music has a rhythm and vibration that soothes me. I float. I feel peaceful.

After the meditation I wonder: do I need to look outside myself, wanting to be like someone else? If I am the Universe and they are too, I am them already. Right? So maybe I should only look at what traits I have that I would like to bring forward more. And maybe, it is more about the energy that those archetypes represent than that it is about the person. I guess I could tap into that energy and then make it my own. I think meditation would be a good way to go. Glad there are 5 days left.

Stay tuned.

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