donderdag 12 augustus 2010

August 12, 2010, Day 1

This morning, I went downstairs excited. As if there was a Christmas present waiting for me. Instead of turning to my yoga practice first, I turned on my laptop to check my e-mail. "Guided meditation Day 1" was the subject of the email that was on top of my mailbox. The challenge had begun.

I sit down on my yoga block and straighten my spine, ready to start meditating. As a yoga teacher, I am used to sitting on a yoga block with a straight spine, even when I don't meditate. I think it looks very yogic. Davidji, who is guiding this meditation, starts talking. He keeps talking for a while, which starts to annoy me quickly. I am wishing he would stop talking. Then he suggests to take a comfortable seat. "You will not continue meditating when you are not comfortable", he remarked. "Aha", I thought, "Maybe that's why I have a hard time meditating longer than 5 minutes" (which is due to a car accident I got in a few months ago. Not an excuse, but certainly a reason for my discomfort). I move my yoga block towards a chair, so my lower back is supported. I am not doing yoga, after all.

Sitting against the chair, I look mindfully around the room, as directed by Davidji. I acknowledge the presence of the plants, the picture frames, the trees outside, and, "Mmm, I wonder what the weather will be like today, it looks kind of cloudy", my thoughts wonder of. Back to the mindfullness. I am guided to focus on my breathing. For a moment I am able to just feel the cool breath going in and the warm breath going out of my nose. "Wow, this is going pretty well", my mind interrupts, "I wonder for how long we are going to do this?"

An then it is over. Just when I think that I am "in it", the mediation comes to an end. I feel like I was fed a spoon of dessert but hadn't had the time to swallow it yet. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. I'll get comfortable on my yoga block again and will see how it goes. I am excited already.

Stay tuned.

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