vrijdag 3 december 2010

Month of Miracles - December 3, 2010

As you might imagine, we exchanged many insights on miracles during that Woman's Wisdom night. And as I mentioned before, we obviously addressed the question "What is a miracle?". So, indeed: What is a miracle?

The common conception seems to be that a miracle is something out of the ordinary. An amazing occurrence, like Jesus who walked on water and raised people from the death. According to the dictionary, a miracle is an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. Well, I don't know about you, but I think that is not a very enlightened way to look at the world. Or at least not very fun. If you think that miracles are fun, that is. (And you may have guessed already that I think they are). (By the way: what is a "supernatural cause"? Isn't that just another word for God/The Universe, or whatever you want to call it?)

I actually think, that everything is a miracle if you choose to look at it that way. When you consciously decide to perceive the world as a child in wonder, miracles happen all the time. Bon Jovi seems to be thinking along the same lines: "Miracles happen every day, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you." Some people may say that it is easy to "fool" yourself, and that is "doesn't work this way". If that were the case (that I'm a fool), I'd rather be a happy fool than unhappily waiting for a miracle to happen... 

Okay, let me give you an example: This morning I wake up with this one song that keeps playing in my head. I don't even know the song that well. I heard it only once. I like the song though. I even decide that I should check it out on iTunes later. An hour later, I get in the car and turn the radio on. The last part of some random song comes out of the speakers, and is making room for the next one. When I hear the notes of the next song, I get goose bumps. It is the song that played on my mental radio when I woke up. I think it is a miracle.

Yes, I think it is a miracle. And no, it is not an earth shattering it-blows-your-mind-away kind of miracle. It is a synchronicity that makes me smile. For me, it is a confirmation that I am in tune with the Universe/God/the Bigger Picture, whatever you want to call it. It makes my day a little brighter. And isn't that what we all want, having a bright day? 

I can create my own miracles. I think that is a miracle in itself.

Happy miracles to you!

Stay tuned.

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