vrijdag 14 januari 2011

Month of Miracles - January 14, 2011

Yes, I know the December month has long past. The Month of Miracles. I had the intention to write on miracles daily. But life had something else in mind (keep on reading). Hence my virtual absence. Not that no miracles happened in the meantime. On the contrary.  Just to name a few: the pink clouds that seemed to be hand painted in the Northern Norwegian sky, while the sun didn’t even get above the horizon during the day; after a delayed flight and long lines at Oslo airport I still made a very tight connection; the mere fact that I am alive and the realization what just love can do. Maybe I shouldn’t even say “just” love. As far as I am concerned, love is the only thing “real” in this world. And as A Course in Miracles states: “Love is a Miracle”. So maybe miracles are the only thing we are not making up? Let me tell you something in that respect.

It is Tuesday evening after the Christmas weekend. I am at a friend’s in Amsterdam. My mom calls. I can hear that she is upset. “It’s your grandma”, she says. “She is in the hospital at the IC, you have to come now”. My friend drives me the very long 30 kilometers to the hospital. I am afraid that I am getting there too late. My grandma has a lung condition, so I know that this is serious. When I get there, my grandma is unconscious. She has a tube in her trachea that is connected to a machine. The machine is breathing for her.
My mom, who lives in France but who happened to be with my grandma (isn’t that a miracle in itself?), my aunt, and I sit next to my grandma’s bed the whole night. We are holding her hand. At some point she wakes up a little and acknowledges our presence. She seems comforted by the fact that she is not alone.
With the permission of the doctors I give my grandma Reconnective Healing. The healing frequencies of Light and Information are having effect on the ups and downs of her heartbeat that is displayed on the monitor next to her bed.
By morning my grandma wakes up. She seems to be surprised that she is still alive. Despite the fact that she cannot talk, I can sense her love for us in response to the love we surrounded her with during the night. I give her some more Reconnective Healing. From Norway, my brother is sending healing too.
The doctors too are surprised that she is still alive. They let us know that they’ll have to take out the tube and see if my grandma can breathe on her own. If the tube stays for too long, there is a great risk of infection. Also, the longer the tube stays, the less likely it is that she will be able to breathe without the help of the machine. When asked what she wants them to do in the case she cannot breathe by herself, she makes it clear that she doesn’t want to be intubated again.
The next hour and a half we talk, at least we talk to her and my grandma writes notes. We joke, we laugh and we cry. We hold hands. We are there for my grandma. She is accepting the moment.
Before the doctors send us out of the room, I tell my grandma to do a good job on the breathing so we can spend New Year’s eve together. Outside her room we send her love. In my mind’s eye I see pink angels surrounding her bed. If you don’ believe in angels, wait till the moment a loved one is about to pass away.
Or not…. Five minutes later, my grandma is still alive and breathing without the machine. I give her Reconnective Healing before we go home to sleep.
The next morning, when we get to the hospital, my grandma is sitting next to her bed drinking coffee. The doctors think it’s a miracle. One of the nurses says that he believes now that there is “more between heaven and earth”. I know that it is our presence, our love and the healing that kept my grandma alive. And yes, that is a miracle indeed.

We spent New Year’s eve together. In the hospital. Eating traditional Dutch “oliebollen”.
We go back and forth to the hospital every day. After a week my grandma gets home. She is happy to still be here and share in the love.

Love is a Miracle. Sometimes we just need a little reminder. So stay tuned.

Happy Miracles!

1 opmerking:

  1. Thank you Marije for this beautiful rendering of what we went through recently. Love you! xxy
